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On 12th September 2021, The Honorable Federal Minister of Industries & Production Mr. Khurso Bakhtyar held a meeting at The American Business Council of Pakistan’s Secretariat with industry representatives and leaders of American businesses.
The Federal Minister communicated the Government’s interest “to work with American business leaders in Pakistan and develop policies necessary for creating an economic environment that encourages more Foreign Direct Investment.”
Executive Committee Members of The Council and the Minister highlighted challenges across industries such as higher tax rates as compared to regional market, inconsistency of investment policies & incentives, illicit trade and its negative impact on government revenue, weak enforcement of IPR Regime and the quantum of undocumented economy. ABC members underscored these factors as major concerns for existing and potential multinational companies.
Mr. Rizwan Bhatti – CEO PIDC – focused on the geographical advantage, tax incentives and deregulatory benefits of owning and operating businesses within Export Processing Zones (EPZs). He invited ABC members to visit the operationally & logistically ready Korangi Industrial Park.

In accordance with the Prime Minister’s agenda to develop Tourism in Pakistan, ABC’s immediate past President Mr. Adnan Asad emphasized the importance of declaring Tourism as an Industry and urged the Minister to introduce concessions for the construction industry to facilitate hotel businesses. The Federal Minister agreed with his perspective and showcased interest and willingness to trigger necessary action.
President ABC Mr. Asif Peer thanked the Minister for taking time out for this meeting and commented “Pakistan holds tremendous potential for development and, with continued support from the Government, the country can achieve sustainable economic growth which leads to industrialization, employment generation, export-led growth and import substitution.